We start where the others stop

Hotel apartments

We offer modern hotel apartments in Qaqortoq - From smaller one bedroom apartments to 5 beds, different locations in town


Do you need a ship? We can offer our services with our hotelship or landing craft. Get in touch with us – we can propably offer our services

Construction work

We carry out various construction tasks with our broad experience and flexible machinery.


Experience beautiful and amazing Qaqortoq with us!

Book an apartment. We have modern apartments with all the necessities you need, from small one bedroom apartments to bigger ones. Find one right here.


Do you have any questions or requests? Dont be shy – send us a note, we look forward to hear from you.

Meet the 60 North team

Rasmus Chr. Rasmussen

Rasmus Chr. Rasmussen


Rasmus has more than 35 years of experience in the greenlandic business community. His everyday work day spands from small to big tasks. His motto is: There are no problems only tasks!

Ellen Kleist

Ellen Kleist

Office Manager

Ellen is in charge of the hotel apartments, cleaning, sallaries, invoices and boatcharter.

Malene V. Rasmussen

Malene V. Rasmussen

Communication & development

Malene is in charge of the communication og development in 60 North Greenland, and is working closely with Ellen with the sheep farm dealership

Malik V. Rasmussen

Malik V. Rasmussen

Project consultant

Malik is a certified Engineer from DTU and has a valid Greenlandic shotfiring license for blasting.

Lasse J. Nielsen

Lasse J. Nielsen

Project Manager Assistant

Lasse has studied together with Malik and is also a certified Engineer from DTU and works daily as project management assistant.

Alexander Løhr Specht

Alexander Løhr Specht


Alexander is our map and land surveyor and works with land surveying

Daniel Hansen

Daniel Hansen

Warehouse manager

Daniel is our warehouse leader and handle all logistics in and out of the house.

LL Regnskab

LL Regnskab

Economy and Accounting

Send us a message

Do you have questions regarding our services? Please fill in the form to the right and send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hear from you.

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